Friday, March 6, 2020

I am new at, what did I learn

I am new at, what did I learn Hello everybody! My name is Dariya and I’m a newcomer at What did I learn during my last days? First of all I’d like to mention that my life has changed significantly. In December 2011 has opened a marketing office in Donetsk, Ukraine. Our American boss Dirk Wagner is building our team on the concepts which are quite unusual for the Ukrainian companies (and probably not only for the Ukrainian ones). From the very first days when I came to our office I could feel that I was sincerely welcome here. It was a very surprising feeling because usually when you start to work in a new company you often can see suspicion and distrust in the eyes of your new colleagues. It always takes some time to win the confidence and to find friends among them. Good and warm relations from the very beginning this was the first lesson which I learned here. Dirk has become not only my new boss but also my private tutor as my duties included customer service and Internet marketing which were absolutely new activities for me. It took just several days for him to teach me the basics and the main surprise for me was that the study was neither intense nor boring at all. We had a lot of fun and I consider that it’s rather uncommon for tutoring process. Dirk was n’t my first tutor. Ukrainian educational system is very far from being perfect and although we learnt English at school for 6 years and also at University for 5 years but still the most part of my mates had great problems with speaking or at least understanding English. As for me although I graduated from a prestigious high school my mother had to hire a private tutor to improve my English when I was in high school and afterwards I had to continue my learning in a private English club. But my former tutors never were as well-wishing, patient and friendly as Dirk. So the second les son for me was that such kind of tutoring approach exists and can be effective. So during my first days at Tutorz’ team I gained not only basic knowledge of my new duties but I also realized that learning must not be boring and hard. On the contrary with a great tutor it can be interesting and fun process. And the main lesson is that the friendly and warm atmosphere at team makes the work not only pleasant but also very productive.

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